Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I received a laptop computer from Shawn and the girls. So now I can blog from any room in the house. Beware, I just may blog in the future from the laundry room, back deck or bathroom, just because I can!!!

Shawn has been asking for a violin for years and the girls and I finally got him one this year. They we spent along time yesterday listening to him try and play it. Note: We didn't want to listen we just didn't have any choice. He is very talented musically though and I am sure he will be playing beautiful music very soon. (He says a day and a half).

Krystal's favorite gifts were a new video Ipod and a waterproof camera. If you don't know, Krystal broke her last camera because she dropped it in the toilet. This one can be totally submerged in water for 30 continuous minutes.

Rebecca's had to narrow down her favorite but she got an Ipod, Nintendo DS and a microscope and some Bratz, including a Bratz Kidz.

We also used money from my grandmother to furnish a school in another country. So somewhere in the world a school will now have desks, blackboards, chairs, etc. This was done throught the World Vision website. If anyone got Christmas money, I would recommend checking this out. There are things for all budgets and price ranges.

Well Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Well, here is a quick Christmas update for you. We now have our Christmas tree up and decorated and some other Christmas decorations up throughout the house. I have completed about 60% of my shopping and it is all wrapped. Today, I am writing Christmas cards and going shopping. I think I have accomplished a lot especially since it was a very busy weekend.

Rebecca is in the All-City Children's Choir and they had a concert at the Winspear on Friday night. She had a rehearsal on Friday during the day and when I went to leave with her on Friday morning, I realized that I had left my van keys in Shawn's car. I ended up taking a taxi to drop off Rebecca and having my mom meet us at the other end and drive me to Shawn's office so I could get the keys. Then Shawn drove me home. Not exactly the way I wanted to start my day.

Rebecca's concert on Friday night was awesome. She had birthday party on Saturday, while I went shopping and then Saturday was church and The Salvation Army Christmas concert at the Winspear (which Shawn and Rebecca were in). I will post some pictures of our Christmas decorations soon.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


So yesterday, we had our street plowed. One thing about living on the edge of the city and that we got our street plowed first. Anyway, the snowplow left a nice big pile of snow in the middle of the road. Here is a picture of Rebecca playing on it.

Christmas is coming!!!

Yes, Christmas is coming. It is only 11 days away. We do not yet have a tree or any Christmas decorations up (unless you count the lights on the house which Shawn never took down last year and he now thinks he can just plug them in even though they are falling down in several places and look like they were hung by a drunk elf without a ladder). I have not even begun shopping yet much less all the other things that need to be done before Christmas. This wouldn't be so bad except that my whole family comes over to our house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so I should probably have a tree for them all to put the presents under. Maybe we could just decorate a hockey stick and put the presents under that?? It wouldn't take as long to decorate as a tree and the branches wouldn't get in the way of the presents!! I could start a new Canadian holiday tradition!!!

Well I should go a dig the Christmas decorations out from our storage area. Blog to you all later.
