Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I received a laptop computer from Shawn and the girls. So now I can blog from any room in the house. Beware, I just may blog in the future from the laundry room, back deck or bathroom, just because I can!!!

Shawn has been asking for a violin for years and the girls and I finally got him one this year. They we spent along time yesterday listening to him try and play it. Note: We didn't want to listen we just didn't have any choice. He is very talented musically though and I am sure he will be playing beautiful music very soon. (He says a day and a half).

Krystal's favorite gifts were a new video Ipod and a waterproof camera. If you don't know, Krystal broke her last camera because she dropped it in the toilet. This one can be totally submerged in water for 30 continuous minutes.

Rebecca's had to narrow down her favorite but she got an Ipod, Nintendo DS and a microscope and some Bratz, including a Bratz Kidz.

We also used money from my grandmother to furnish a school in another country. So somewhere in the world a school will now have desks, blackboards, chairs, etc. This was done throught the World Vision website. If anyone got Christmas money, I would recommend checking this out. There are things for all budgets and price ranges.

Well Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!



At 11:03 PM, Blogger Kirst said...

I too have wanted a violin but haven't received one yet. I'll cross my fingers for next year.:)

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Evey said...

Happy New year to you guys. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. A violen hey? Hows that working out;)

This is Yvonne (Floyd) by the way:)


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